Saturday 8 December 2007

What can the laptops do for our schools?

We should all start thinking and discussing here in Australia. Rudd's plan is promising to start a large scale roll out of ICT facilities to all schools. If we consider the market trends in the last 5 years,it is quite logical to expect that the affordability of equipment and access to the services will make the planned 100% high schools coverage almost a natural thing. More an evolution than the revolution.
It is a good time to revisit the debate created earlier this year in US after the Times magazine report questioning the effectiveness of laptop programs in American schools.
I very much agree with the analysis by PBS edubloger Andy Carvin and I am sure we will see a repeat of this debate in various reincarnations as our government's initiative start taking shape.
Quoting edublogger Steve Hargadon, “If computing just mimics the current teaching methodologies, how could you expect a change?” I certainly wouldn’t. And it’s a shame that too many administrators, policymakers, technology vendors and journalists don’t understand this notion as well. Laptop programs have a place in our schools. But unless we’re prepared to change how those schools teach with those laptops, we’re just burning through money, good will and expectations.